Building Schools in Remote Villages Globally.
Our Mission: To End Cycles of Poverty Starting with the Current Generation.
Boundless Foundation has built 11 schools: 8 schools in Honduras, 1 in Guatemala, 1 in Cameroon, and installed a clean, safe water filter at one school in Nepal. Our impact is a proven method of sustainability and and success. With support from you, our Impact Investors, we are currently seeking funding for 3 schools this quarter and have matched vetted communities waiting for our help.
Join us today.
Our Boundless Academy was our first school May 2021 and since then with beautiful human beings just like you, we have built two schools and are designing our third one in less than one year.
Our first school, Our Boundless Academy, opened in La Entrada, Honduras, in May 2021. Since then, with the help of beautiful human beings like you,
we have built 11 schools.
2024 we will build more.
Click Here to See our Progress and Plan.
The potential that one person can gift to the world is truly boundless.
We can help break the cycle of poverty together so the children in these small villages can have the same opportunities we do. Building a school, providing a safe place, sanitary environment and safe water, some schools have warm meals and all have affection to helpour little future leaders to grow in mind, body and spirit, allowing them to #LEARNTODREAM.
"Every great dream begins with a dreamer.
Always remember, you have within you the strength,
the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world."
-Harriet Tubman
Boundless Foundation is a philanthropic organization whose mission is to end generational cycles of scarcity and poverty. Boundless does this through enrichment programs that provide women and children with the basic comforts and necessities needed to improve their living conditions.
This year Boundless Foundation will become fully boundless by embracing our mission and offering programs for the entire family beyond the wildest dreams we have had as an organization.
What if our dreamers are unheard in remote locations,
looking for where their next meal will come from instead of learning and playing?
"If you’re going to live, leave a legacy.
Make a mark on the world that can’t be erased." ​
- Maya Angelou
Boundless Academy
Building a school is building a better future for of humankind.
Boundless starts by empowering our little future leaders to recognize their abilities and become boundless in mind, body, spirit and business. They can be a powerful force for positivity and fulfill their unlimited potential.
It starts with children like Sofia, living well below poverty levels, simply hoping for a place to learn to read.
Boundless Academy provides that safe structure: a school in her village.
In the beginning, she may not even realize what the opportunity for education means to her life, family or community.
Our vision is that one day she will be able to share her dreams with the world, thriving and creating her own ripple of impact for others like her.
​As Sofia becomes fed, educated, and made to feel safe in her new classes, she becomes eligible for secondary education and the job skills training that will provide more career opportunities in the future.​
Ultimately, Sofia becomes a teacher, business owner, mentor, and valued leader in her community or ventures out to become a global citizen just like you.
Sofia will have had the education, training, support, and opportunities that enable her to live her dreams. Her dreams are our dreams, and your dreams are our dreams.